January 17, 2024
AGU endorses H.R.6234, the “Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2023”
Posted by Caitlin Bergstrom
On 22 December 2023, AGU sent a letter to Representative Bonamici endorsing H.R.6234, the “Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2023”.
On behalf of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and our worldwide Earth and space science community, I am writing to thank you for introducing H.R.6234, the “Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2023” and to offer AGU’s support for this important bill.
Tsunamis, and other coastal inundation events, can wreak havoc on coastal communities—placing lives and property at risk. We commend the bill’s goal of enhancing the nation’s tsunami science and technology capabilities and its specific emphasis on improving the timeliness of tsunami warnings and forecasts and elevating the quality, accessibility, and management of pertinent data.
AGU also supports the addition of a long-needed evaluation of the tsunami warning alert systems. For at- risk communities, alert terminology and messaging are often confusing and do not provide the critical information needed to make evacuation decisions. Assessing the system with an eye towards improvement will thus likely save lives.
Finally, AGU applauds the bill’s commitment to ensuring high-quality research and development, and the inclusion of research-to-operations plans. Over the years, the minimal coordination among federal tsunami research funders has led to inconsistent or redundant research outcomes. The bill’s focus on increased coordination and collaboration will improve the efficiency of research funding and consistency across research outcomes and products.
As an organization dedicated to ensuring that science is not only usable but used, AGU appreciates your continued leadership in ensuring the nation’s tsunami programming and activities translate into the protection of lives and property. We look forward to working with you as this bill advances.