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January 31, 2019
Meet Them Where They Are
David Reidmiller is the director of the National Climate Assessment and previously led much of the U.S. government’s engagement in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change while at the State Department. He writes this in his personal capacity; the contents herein do not necessarily represent the views of the federal government. When working at the intersection of science and policy, scientists can find themselves shifting from the familiar–straightforward communication of …
April 2, 2018
Marching for Science? Know Your Rights
Today’s post is written by the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund. Many scientists in the United States have been moved to action as a result of the current political climate. If you’re one of them and you’re planning to join the March for Science on April 14 — or participate in other activism — it’s crucial that you know your rights. Although the chances of running into trouble when you stand up …
January 30, 2017
AGU, GSA Respond to Immigration Ban’s Impact on Science
Today, AGU and the Geological Society of America (GSA) responded to President Trump’s Executive Order “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States,” that restricts entrance to the U.S. for citizens from seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen). The full statement is included below: AGU and GSA Respond to President Trump’s Executive Order: “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United …
November 14, 2016
Oil & Gas Issues Explored Through a Collaborative Lens
In today’s complex world, the biggest science and policy issues require a new approach to thinking. Scientists, policymakers, industry leaders, and legislators can no longer operate within their own circles. Meaningful results come from these groups working together in a collaborative process. The inaugural GeoPolicy Connect was a targeted effort to do just that. The event brought together people from different sectors – business leaders, centennial state lawmakers, federally focused …
November 9, 2016
This post originally appeared on the AGU blog From The Prow. The following statement is attributable to American Geophysical Union (AGU) Executive Director/CEO Christine McEntee. AGU represents more than 60,000 Earth and space scientists worldwide: “From the nation’s founding, science has been the backbone of America’s economy, security, and well-being, and the underpinning of our democracy. In the days and months ahead, AGU calls on our elected leaders to remember …
August 31, 2016
My Dinner with Senator Whitehouse
This blog post was written by Annie Putman, a Ph.D. student in the Geology and Geophysics Department at the University of Utah. On August 8, I dined with climate champion U. S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and six Utah academics. The dinner was part of the Senator’s climate tour of Utah to understand how Utahns experience climate change and to persuade Utah Senators to support The American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act, …
August 18, 2016
Science Policy and the “Third Parties”
By George Marino, AGU Science Policy Intern I recently received a response to an article I shared on our Twitter account about the science policy positions of the Presidential candidates from the two major U.S. political parties. The person asked where a candidate from one of the other parties stood on the issues. So after some research, I can present the facts that I could find on what “third party” …
April 12, 2016
New Landslide Legislation to Help Alleviate Hazard Risks
On 3 March, 2016, the National Landslide Loss Reduction Act (H.R. 4776) was introduced by Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA-01) to establish a National Landslide Hazards Reduction Program and two competitive landslide grant programs. According to Representative DelBene; “Substantial work needs to be done to gain better knowledge of landslides and their potential impacts in order to reduce losses of life and property. While various areas across the country have been …
December 23, 2015
What Does it Mean to Be a Geoscientist?
Today’s post is part of a series written by student bloggers from the AGU Fall Meeting. By: Emily Parker, Ph.D. student in environmental engineering, University of California, Irvine What does it mean to be a geoscientist? I did not know it was a question that needed answering – I thought it was a well-defined occupation. After attending an AGU Fall Meeting session focused specifically on what being a geoscientist means, however, …
December 22, 2015
Antarctic Proposals Worthy of Jules Verne
Today’s post is part of a series written by student bloggers from the AGU Fall Meeting. By: Andrea Stevens, Graduate Student, University of Arizona I couldn’t help wishing Jules Verne was sitting next to me this morning as the future directions of Antarctic research were laid bare in the halls of the Moscone Center at the AGU Fall meeting. From science-fiction looking gadgets and imaginative project proposals to an international cohort …