You are browsing the archive for Kasia Kornecki, Author at The Bridge: Connecting Science and Policy.
December 17, 2019
OSTP Values with Dr. Droegemeier
Current Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, gave the Agency Plenary at AGU’s Fall Meeting on December 12th in San Francisco (video available at AGUGO). Congress created OSTP in 1976 with a broad mandate to advise the President on all-things science and technology: that makes Droegemeier President Trump’s head science advisor. Droegemeier’s talk at AGU was a chance for members to …
December 4, 2019
Why Climate Action Bills Matter
Early December marks the beginning of the COP25 Climate Summit in Madrid, where Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made a public statement that the US will abide by the Paris Climate Accord targets: “The United States is still in,” she said, despite the Trump Administration’s recent withdrawal. Even though the US is caught in mixed messaging at the international level, Americans do overwhelmingly seem to be in support of climate action, especially democrats, according to a recent Pew Research study. Congressional Democrats are making their position known by introducing several bills that acknowledge the need for urgent climate …
November 27, 2019
Funding an Energy Transition
As appropriators are still trying to finalize the 2020 budget, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development sat down last week for a hearing about the DOE’s role in addressing climate change. The main thematic questions of the hearing were: What technologies will help move us into the future sustainably, and how can DOE facilitate the energy transition? This lively and lengthy hearing made a strong case for not …
November 19, 2019
The Changing Face of Air and Space
Even with a façade that is currently under renovation (and will continue to be for the next seven years), the inside of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum is as inspiring as ever. Many young people are moved to pursue science thanks to a visit to the museum, but walking past rockets, moon landers, and photos from the final frontier can be just as exhilarating for adults. The museum served …