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November 17, 2016
The Road Ahead
During the long and challenging presidential campaign, discussions regarding science took a back seat. Though many are still processing the results of the election, we wanted to provide some insight into the question “What do the election results mean for science?” For answers, we are looking to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s comments and responses during the campaign. With few discussions of science, insights into Mr. Trump’s position and potential treatment …
January 26, 2015
The State of the Climate, According to Obama
On Tuesday night, the president carried on the time-honored tradition of appearing before Congress and delivering the State of the Union address. So what exactly did he say? The President spent a full two minutes discussing the topic of climate change, which is pretty lengthy considering the totality of individual issues mentioned in a typical SOTU address. Notably, the president called out United States leadership in combating climate change: “In …
September 3, 2014
An Empire State of Mind On Climate Change
On 23 September 2014, the U.N. Secretary-General will host leaders from around the world at the United Nations headquarters in New York City to engage in discussion, and hopefully make commitments, on a legal climate agreement for the year 2015. The leaders will discuss four themes: the science of climate change, societal benefits that come with taking action on climate change, why climate action makes sense for business and economic growth, and voices from the frontlines of climate change.
June 4, 2014
Risky Business Brings New Message—and Messengers—to Climate Debate
By Kate Gordon, Executive Director, Risky Business Despite massive scientific evidence that climate change will have significant effects on the American economy, the business and finance world is still largely turning a blind eye to climate risk. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and Farallon Capital founder Tom Steyer started the Risky Business initiative to change this dynamic and create a new shared understanding …
May 14, 2014
4 maps on America’s climate and energy outlook: 2 that will worry you, 2 that will give you hope
Originally posted on the Opower blog On Tuesday, the White House released the most authoritative scientific report ever written about the current and future consequences of climate change in the United States. The findings of the report, known as the National Climate Assessment (NCA), are striking. Average temperatures in the United States have increased by 1.3 to 1.9°F since 1895, and most of that warming has occurred in the last …
May 12, 2014
As West Antarctica melts, the urgency for climate change adaptation rises
By Lexi Shultz, Director of Public Affairs at the American Geophysical Union and Kat Compton, Public Affairs Intern As if the recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the National Climate Assessment (NCA) weren’t enough of a reminder of the ways in which human actions are changing our planet, new research published in the current edition of Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) presents evidence that part of …
May 9, 2014
Tornadoes and Climate Change: Challenges in Interpreting the Record and Looking Forward
By Harold E. Brooks, Senior Research Scientist, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory With the release of the new National Climate Assessment, the scientific community has put forward our best understanding of the changes that have occurred and are expected to occur as the planet continues to warm. Noticeably, little is said about tornadoes in this document. There’s good reason for this absence. Despite a wide variety of speculation in the online …
May 8, 2014
Science Confirms (Again) What Cities Already Know: Climate Change is Happening Now
By Carolyn Berndt, Program Director for Sustainability, National League of Cities Originally posted on The continuing drought in the west and wildfires burning in the plains are real world examples—happening right now—of what scientists say is evidence of climate change. Remember the floods in Colorado last year and Hurricane Sandy the year before? Those too are indicative of the kinds of extreme weather events the U.S. will face in …
May 6, 2014
The Climate Conversation Needs Your Voice
By Lexi Shultz, Director of Public Affairs at the American Geophysical Union Today, the White House released the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) third National Climate Assessment (NCA). This report, coming in at 1,300 pages and written by more than 300 authors (many of whom are American Geophysical Union members) is an impressive accounting of the many current and future effects of climate change across the country. The NCA …