June 20, 2013
Participate in the Science Policy Conference from Wherever You Are
Posted by Sam
Can’t make it to the 2013 AGU Science Policy Conference, but dying to see the plenary sessions featuring Bart Gordon, Cora Marrett, James Balog, and Richard Harris?
AGU is excited to present both plenary sessions as live webcast during the conference. A link will be made available on the webcast website as the sessions are about to begin. Watch the first plenary session, Preparing for Our Future: The Value of Science, on Tuesday, 25 June from 8:15 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. EDT. This session will feature Bart Gordon (K&L Gates, Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology from 2007 to 2010) and Cora Marrett (Acting Director of the National Science Foundation), who will discuss the value of science in policy and our society. The second plenary session will take place from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. EDT on Wednesday, 26 June.
The session, Preparing for Our Future: Climate Change, will feature Presidential Citations for Science and Society recipients James Balog (Extreme Ice Survey) and Richard Harris (NPR) who will highlight the ways that a changing climate is already impacting our world, and what is expected in the future.Their conversation will also feature footage of Balog’s Extreme Ice Survey, which visualizes the extraordinary retreat of glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere.
Not only can the plenary sessions be viewed remotely, but there will also be opportunities to participate in the conference remotely. Those viewing the plenary sessions via live webcast will be able to submit questions for the speakers through the webcast interface. There will also be designated hashtags for questions to be submitted to the speakers by Twitter, which will be displayed just before the sessions. Throughout the conference, please tweet out any interesting quotes, topics, or thoughts on the conference using the hashtag: #AGUSPC.
There will be online access to the posters presented at the Science Policy Conference as ePosters. Each ePoster includes a discussion board, which can be used to interact with the first author. The author can also use the discussion board to provide additional information about the research.
Following the conference, and array of video highlights from discussion panels, interviews with speakers, and other interesting material will be made available on the AGU Science Policy Conference Website and the AGU YouTube channel!
-Sam Brockway, AGU Public Affairs Intern
Thank you, I will follow from CO. Great Conference.
How can those of us who cannot attend and cannot even see the webcasts view the proceedings?
The plenary sessions have been archived, so you can watch them whenever you want here: http://spc.agu.org/2013/live-webcast/. Also, assorted highlights from the conference, and interviews can be seen at the AGU Youtube channel, here: http://www.youtube.com/user/AGUvideos.