
You are browsing the archive for Jenna Zink, Author at The Bridge: Connecting Science and Policy.

December 7, 2017

Legal Education for Scientists at Fall Meeting

Editor’s Note: The following guest blog is written by Rebecca Fowler, Communications Director of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund.   The Climate Science Legal Defense Fund (CSLDF) and AGU have partnered for six years on the Legal Education for Scientists Program, a series of initiatives designed to reach the broad geoscience community and help researchers understand their legal rights and responsibilities.   Get Advice from an Attorney At this year’s …


November 21, 2017

Senate Interior & Environment Spending Bill Improves Upon Presidential Budget Request, but Falls Short for EPA

On Monday, 20 November, the Senate Appropriations Committee released its draft of the FY 2018 Interior and Environment spending bill.  Here’s a recap of the Interior and Environment spending bill, which includes funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), for fiscal year 2018 (FY2018).    UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY  FY2016  FY2017  President’s Budget Request for FY2018  AGU Request for FY2018   House Proposal for FY2018  Senate Proposal for FY2018  $1,062.00  $1,085.12  $922.17  $1,200  $1,038.92  …


November 20, 2017

Tax Reform Bill will be Disastrous for Graduate Students

On 16 November, the House passed a tax reform bill, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”. The bill contains several provisions that would strip critical tax benefits that support graduate students. Specifically, the bill would:   increase taxes for graduate students and others by making tuition waivers (tuition fees waived by schools) count towards taxable income. ​ Changing this law​ ​has​ ​the​ ​potential​ ​to​ ​push​ ​graduate​ ​students​ ​into​ ​higher​ ​tax brackets. ​ ​Taxing​ ​these​ ​waivers​ ​puts​ ​an​ ​undue​ ​burden​ ​on​ ​graduate​ ​students, ​ …


November 13, 2017

Don’t Fall Behind! Plan Ahead for Science Policy at Fall Meeting!

A little over a month from now, scientists from around the world will gather in New Orleans for AGU’s Fall Meeting from 11 December – 15 December. Scheduling can get pretty hectic during the week of the meeting, so the Public Affairs team is providing a preview of some of the science policy events to help you plan ahead.  *note: all times are in local time for New Orleans*    …


October 31, 2017

EPA’s Advisory Panel Announcement Robs Americans of a Critical Resource

In a disappointing move this afternoon, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt confirmed his plan to disallow EPA grantees from serving on scientific advisory panels. This blocks highly qualified scientists – now and in the future – from serving on boards and committees, undermining the ability of the EPA to fulfill its purpose to ensure “that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, …


October 23, 2017

Hair-Raising Countdowns

Ghosts and goblins and spooks galore! This October is flying fast and so is the clock for 2017. Here are our top 4 countdowns that are sure to make the hairs rise on the back of your neck!    11 Days until Fall Meeting Early Registration Closes  Don’t miss out! There is only two weeks left to head over to the Fall Meeting website and register for our annual meeting that …