July 17, 2014
Come One Come All
Posted by Fushcia Hoover
Shameless Plug
You might like to know that this afternoon (yes today 17 July 2014!), the Public Affairs team at AGU is hosting a webinar titled ‘How to Have a Successful District Visit’ from 1:00-2:00 EDT. Listen in and ask questions on what it’s like to meet with a legislator, what you talk about and how to say it in a simple, short message, come join us.
Webinar link is here >>>> http://agu.adobeconnect.com/agu-17july/
There’s More!! If you’re hungry (not unlike the wolf) for more information on the inner workings of legislation and how congress funds groups like NSF, NOAA and more, then check out the recent blog post Dysfunction Junction by Public Affairs’ very own Nick Saab.
Fushcia Hoover is an intern with the Public Affairs Department at AGU.