January 31, 2022
Science Policy Events at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022
Posted by Caitlin Bergstrom
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 is fast approaching! The meeting this year will be taking place entirely online, which means you can attend and meet members of the ocean science community from the comfort of your own home. AGU’s Science Policy & Government Relations team has been busy preparing a robust schedule of science policy events for you to attend – so look forward to bolstering your political savvy as you bask in the crashing of the waves (virtually)! Check out our offerings, which range from ocean policy panels to broader seminars on policy engagement and communication skills for scientists.
Be sure to register for the Ocean Sciences Meeting, so you can enjoy our events and much more. Don’t forget to check out the full #OSM22 event schedule, as well as the #OSM22 homepage, for more information!
Monday, 28 February
918-ST01: Ocean Policy Career and Engagement Opportunities
1:30 – 2:30 pm EST
Join our panel for those who would like to be more engaged in ocean policy or who are interested in a career or fellowship in ocean policy. Hear from a variety of ocean policy experts and ask your questions about ocean policy engagement and careers. Panelists will include fellows from programs such as John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship Program, and others with careers in ocean policy. All levels of interest and experience are invited. This program is a collaborative effort between the OSM organizing societies AGU, ASLO, and TOS.
Tuesday, 1 March
878-ST04: Ocean Policy and the UN Decade of Ocean Science
1:30 – 2:30 pm EST
Science plays a vital role in contributing to innovation and policy. One major undertaking that exemplifies this is the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (“Ocean Decade”), which is currently underway. Hear from and engage with experts from around the world, as they discuss how Ocean Decade projects and programs are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals through various forms of policy design and policymaker engagement.
Wednesday, 2 March
912-ST02: What the 2020 elections meant for STEM and how to engage in the 2022 midterms
1:30 – 2:30 pm EST
2020 was a landmark year for U.S. elections. Voters across the country cast their ballots in record numbers and in novel ways. Along with Science Rising at the Union of Concerned Scientists, we will look at what the 2020 elections meant for STEM participation in policy, how to engage with your peers, students, professors, and colleagues and ensure we have strong STEM voters.
Thursday, 3 March
911-ST03: Engaging with U.S. Congressional Committees
1:30 – 2:30 pm EST
Congressional committees play a central role in determining how science funding is distributed across the federal government, and their decisions influence how science agencies allocate resources. This event will provide attendees an opportunity to learn how congressional committees operate and to hear from and engage with congressional committee staffers, as they discuss current ocean policy priorities and tips for engaging with them.
Friday, 4 March
884-ST05: Connecting and Communicating with Policymakers
1:30 – 2:30 pm EST
Good science policy is informed by good science. The ocean sciences, in particular, inform many national policies today–including those related to sustainable energy, climate change, natural resources and natural hazard mitigation–so it’s vital that scientists share the value of science with their policymakers. Hear from and engage with science policy experts as they discuss best practices for engaging effectively with policymakers, including how to build compelling messages that help reinforce the value of your science. All levels of interest and experience are welcome. This event is a collaborative effort between the OSM organizing societies AGU, ASLO, and TOS.
Questions about any of our events? Email [email protected].