February 6, 2024
2023 Year-End AGU Legislative Report
Posted by Caitlin Bergstrom
2023 was one of the least productive Congressional years in decades. However, the AGU science policy community remained active, engaged, and ambitious! Learn more about AGU’s science policy and government relations programs, activities, and accomplishments by reading our year in review.
The report is divided into four sections. In the first section, Amplify the voices of the Earth and space science community, you’ll read about AGU’s work to build a cadre of students, scientists, and researchers who are science policy and communication leaders better prepared to address scientific and societal challenges.
In the second section, we illustrate how AGU Provides trustworthy information for policymakers, to ensure legislation reflects scientific consensus and the needs of the science community.
In the third section, you’ll read about how AGU is Increasing the inclusion of science into decision-making through legislation as well as our Congressional Science Fellowship and science policy internship.
And in the final section, we showcase AGU’s Broader global outreach including the Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research as well as AGU’s growing recognition with international and intergovernmental entities.
To all those in our community who contributed to these accomplishments, Thank you! Without the voice, support and power of the AGU community none of this would be possible.
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