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August 1, 2024

AGU endorses the FORECASTS Tracking Act

On 30 July, AGU and its coalition partners in Friends of NOAA sent a letter to Senator Ed Markey’s office (D-MA) endorsing the Forecasting Optimization for Robust Earth Climate Analysis and Subseasonal to Seasonal (FORECASTS) Tracking Act of 2024. This legislation continues to progress the work done by Congress in the Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017 by providing funding for essential activities at the National Oceanic and …


March 9, 2023

AGU’s 2023 Policy Priorities

In 2019, AGU began developing annual policy priorities to help focus our advocacy work and speed up the advancement of important science policy and legislation. Our policy priorities reflect not only AGU’s broader strategic goals and current policy landscape, but also the needs and priorities of our members. To represent the diversity of AGU’s community, all within the Earth and space science community were encouraged to participate in a survey …


November 10, 2021

AGU Endorses the National Wildland Fire Risk Reduction Program Act

On 5 November 2021, AGU sent a letter to Representatives Lofgren, McNerney, Perlmutter and Bonamici endorsing the National Wildland Fire Risk Reduction Program Act.   On behalf of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and our community of 130,000 worldwide in the Earth and space sciences, I am writing to thank you for crafting and introducing H.R.5781, the National Wildland Fire Risk Reduction Program Act, and to offer AGU’s official endorsement for this …


October 26, 2021

AGU endorses the PRECIP Act

On 25 October 2021, AGU sent a letter to Representative Mikie Sherril, Chair of the House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on the Environment, endorsing the the Providing Research and Estimates of Changes in Precipitation (PRECIP) Act.    On behalf of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and our community of 130,000 worldwide in the Earth and space sciences, I am writing to thank you for introducing H.R. 1437, the Providing …


AGU endorses the FLOODS Act

On 25 October 2021, AGU sent a letter to Congressional leadership in the House and the Senate endorsing the the Flood Level Observation, Operations, and Decision Support (FLOODS) Act and applauds their commitment to improving communication about the risks of extreme weather events so that communities can become more resilient in the face of climate and other hazards.     On behalf of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and our community …


March 18, 2021

AGU’s 2021 Policy Priorities   

As a scientific society whose members’ research and interests span the universe, AGU’s science policy interests are just as vast – from scientific integrity to funding for science to building resilience to natural hazards. In 2019, AGU began developing annual policy priorities to help focus our advocacy work and speed the advancement of important science policy and legislation. For example, last Congress by focusing on our policy priorities AGU was able to secure passage of the Space Weather Research …


November 16, 2020

The Western US in Flames – What’s Going On?

by: Shane Coffield, PhD Candidate in Earth System Science at UC Irvine   It feels difficult to believe that the Australian bushfires happened just earlier this year. Since then, a pandemic, social unrest, and a pivotal U.S. election have dominated the news cycle.  Through all of this, however, the climate crisis hasn’t taken a break. The wildfires in the Western US are a stark reminder of that truth. They are …


March 22, 2019

Swept Away: Stream Gauges Essential to Storm Resilience

Today’s post is in Honor of World Water Day and is by Dr. Amy Marcarelli (@AmyMarcarelli). Dr. Marcarelli is an associate professor of biological science at Michigan Technological University. Her research links nutrient and carbon cycling with ecological community dynamics in river, stream and lake ecosystems. One of the most basic characteristics used to describe a stream is its discharge—how much water it carries. Discharge tells us how quickly something …


January 10, 2019

What is the Value of the Geosciences?

Today’s post is part of a series written by student bloggers from the AGU Fall Meeting 2018. By: Emilie Sinkler, a PhD candidate in Galciology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Geoscientists study many different aspects of the world around us, under us, and above us. Knowledge about our world informs how and where we build our homes, streets, and other infrastructure. It also causes us to reconsider our actions and …


May 17, 2018

Streamgages: Infrastructure to Protect Infrastructure

Today’s post is written by Sandra M. Eberts, U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologist and Deputy Program Coordinator (Acting), Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program Everyone is talking about infrastructure, especially the high cost of deferred maintenance and reconstruction. If only it were possible to keep infrastructure from degrading in the first place. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages can help do just that. The USGS National Streamflow Network has more than 8,200 streamgages—operated …